Keep on Playin'

These are tricky times of social distancing and shutdowns. It can be helpful to find a new routine of inspiration and learning. If you would like to continue your learning journey Melissa is offering some solutions.

Online lessons through Skype, FaceTime and other platforms are available. While not a replacement for in person lessons generally they are a great tool and can keep you motivated.

Daily warm ups through email. Some of my students are unable to make online lessons work so as an alternative I am emailing a daily warm up and sight reading challenge. These are to keep your longtone and scale game on par. If you would like to get in on these warm ups please leave a message and I’ll add your email.

Some may not want to add anything to their plate right now and that’s okay too. It’s time to take care of yourself and everyone is different, take that time if that’s what you need.

How are you keeping music in your routine?